Tuesday, October 28

Fun inside

It's October and we're starting to spend more time inside. Here's Finley having just woke from a nap, playing in her room with the scarves, and practicing her standing at the window seat.

Sunday, September 28

We went to Hawaii

So I'm finally doing a posting of our hawaii family vacation. We went in mid/late September and had a blast. I love Kauai, and now Ian and Finley feel the same way.

Aloha relaxation and fun

Mahalo Mom

Thanks to my mom (that's grandma, to Finley) for hosting the week-long party. We all had a blast.


Look, a picture of the three of us!


Thursday, August 28

Big in Japan

I'm shocked at how fast Finley is growing up. She's always seemed plugged in, to me, however now she's really got a handle on things. Like how to untie her crib bumper, pull it down and spy on me as I try to sneak out of her bedroom. She also sits on the kitchen floor and uses wooden spoons like a big girl.

She can stand on the window-seat like big girls often do.

She's still my tiny baby. Check out the jumper we got at a garage sale!

Saturday, August 9

Playtime these days

She loves these cards that were once part of a mobile.

Tuesday, July 22


It was a little gray, but all-in-all, not bad weather. At Cannon Beach for the day Goonie Rock!

Monday, July 21


Grandpa loves Finley.

Finley tells Daddy secrets.

My baby.

This is our favorite house in all of Gearhart. There's another one by the same architect/builder. Wish I could find out who it is. Perhaps we'd get the cute baby discount and they'd build us a house for $10. That'd be sweet.

Time to go home.

Friday, July 18

Grandma and Grandpa Arrive

We had a great visit from Ian's parents. Hung out at the house for a day or so, then took off for the beach down in Oregon.

Sunday, July 13


We met Lindsey, Trevor and Mia down at the Marina park in Edmonds for a picnic. Here's one of our very few family photos and shot of Finley that just makes my heart melt.

Wednesday, July 9

Way back when

So I haven't posted in a while (again). Some pictures here of a trip Finley and I made up to Bellingham in early July. We met our friends Lindsey and Mia up there and hung out by the lake. Mia was just learning some key new phrases, such as "go buy ice cream" and "more chocolate" and "nice to meet you" (which she does while gesturing to shake your hand).